Over the next year, there will be no rise in prices for apartments in new buildings.

There is good news. Price increases are not expected in the primary apartment market for the next six months or a year. This is due to the expectations of a recovery in lending to the economy and, in particular, mortgages.

Earlier, the head of the National Bank, V. Gontareva, stated that the restoration of the mortgage loan could be expected only from the second half of 2016. Also, according to her, bankers are not so optimistic about this issue and talk about the start of mass mortgages only in 2017. In addition, Gontareva announced the development of a new bill, according to which it will be possible to write off mortgage debts (up to 50%) for socially vulnerable categories of the population.

These moments do not set bankers and developers in an optimistic mood. Thus, according to the former, collateral is unlikely to become cheaper, and borrowers will not be able to remain solvent for long. Those. resources for increasing the volume of housing construction are not expected, demand will not increase, which means that prices will not increase, being indexed for inflation and devaluation in the hryvnia.

After the restoration of lending, banks are going to increase the requirements for borrowers. Writing off debts for social housing for unprotected words should be a preventive measure for banks from providing mortgage loans to unreliable candidates. The planned thorough checks can lead to the fact that even formally trustworthy candidates will receive refusals.

Until mortgage lending is restored, the level of sales is not planned to be reduced, because there is still a fairly high demand for housing among those who are ready to make a 100% prepayment or consider buying a new apartment as an alternative to a deposit. Although in percentage terms, this is only 20% of the potential that could be with lending. So in the period before the 2008 crisis, 70% of housing was bought with cash loans, but now the percentage of mortgages is low - only 5-7% of applicants decide on a loan. Clients of construction companies should now rely only on personal savings.

In the near future, apartments in the capital will be purchased mainly by migrants and those citizens of Ukraine who prefer to invest in real estate.

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